Optimize Your work and home life

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Home and workplace assessments

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Home Assessments


Home Assessments


Home Assessments


Home Assessments


Home Assessments

Home Assessments

Workplace Assessments


Home Assessments



Mission statement

Our goal is to provide quality, equitable, and timely Occupational Therapy services throughout Manitoba specializing in rural and northern areas of the province.

We are committed to providing services to individuals, facilities, and First Nation Communities striving towards improved health through prevention strategies, advocacy, direct client care, training and promotion of health equality.


Land Acknowledgement

Optimize OT Occupational Therapy Services has Occupational Therapists that live, play and service clients throughout Manitoba, operating in all Treaty Territories.  Our home office is located in Treaty One Territory.  Optimize operates in the ancestral lands and traditional territories of the Anishinaabeg, Inniniwak, Ojibwe Cree, Dakota, Dene, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. Our work extends throughout Treaty territories 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.  
We challenge ourselves to understand the trauma and harm of the past and present, and we are committed to reconciliation for equity, diversity, and inclusion in our services, clients, and communities.
First Nations Services



Optimize OT is proud to support the following organizations in their efforts in building and maintaining the Occupational Therapy Community. Click on their respective logo below to learn more.